Our Studs
Our Studs are carefully selected for pairing with a Queen, and we never inbreed. Meet some of our studs below.
HCM negative by Echo Cardiogram

Tobias~ CFA Regional Winner, Grand Champion, National color winner
DOB January 23rd, 2022
He is the alpha male of our cattery and rules the roost. He actively shows CFA Cat Fanciers Association up to 15 shows all over the USA each year. Tobias's CFA title is Grand Champion, Regional Winner. Tobias sleeps in our bedroom with us 2 times a week in order to keep him socialized. He loves to cuddle and is very vocal. Tobias already has his forever home when he is neutered in his 3rd year of life.

Tonni~ DOB April 26th, 2022
Weighing in at a whopping 18 pounds at only 18 months of age. This boy is so loving and kind. He sleeps in our bedroom with us 2 times a week as long as there aren't any baby kittens. This stud does not spray so he'll make a wonderful companion pet when we neuter him in his 3rd year of life. If you have interest in Tonni please let me know. He will be neutered in his 3rd year of life.

Scarcelli. Â A American Maine coon, born July 26, 2023.
Weighing in at 15lb at 14 months. He has the full range
of the house as long as there no queens with kitten there.
This stud is well behaved and will make a great family
member when he's neutered.