Breeding Superior Maine Coons
We pride ourselves in creating the very best in temperament, health, and size. We are attempting to restore the large size of these magnificent pets.
Our home is set up to house cats in their own unique environments. Queens who are pregnant enjoy the privacy of a dedicated room we prepared just for them to raise their young. We refer to it as the Queen/Nursery room. You can learn more about our ever-evolving cattery here.
All kittens are born in our bedroom, we have cameras on them during the day when we are in the rest of the house.
At 3 weeks of age, mom and babies are moved to a specially built and designed room "nursery" which is located next to our office where we are for many hours during the day.
At 5 weeks of age, we open the half door to allow them to explore the whole upstairs. At 7 weeks of age, we open the gate to the downstairs, so they have run of our entire home. Please keep in mind many times we have up to 3 litters growing at the same time, so kittens are very socialized with other
I cannot stress the importance of a well-rounded diet for your new addition. We have owned cats for over 20 years and used to use Purina. While Purina is a well-known name, in our opinion, the food simply does not provide enough nutrition. We use Royal Canin for all our cats. It costs a bit more, but just like humans, they are what they eat. A healthy diet can increase your beloved pet's life by years!
Because breeding cats is our life's work, we have taken a lot of time to do all the research to the best of our ability to bring to the public a superior breed.
We look forward to doing business with you and hope you will share the experience you have with us publicly. We welcome letters and will share them on our website, so please be specific about your pet and the date of purchase. Â Please be assured that we take every precaution to make sure the kitten you have put a deposit on stays healthy. We have weekly Zoom meetings and will send you pictures every 2 weeks showing progress when available.
During and after COVID, we no longer allow home visits, however, you come to the cattery for pick up at which time you meet the parents, view their pedigrees and medical reports. This let you see where your baby was born and raised with a lot of love.
Please isolate your new baby from other animals in your home until they have been seen by a veterinarian. This is important in case one of your other fur babies has an illness, kittens are fragile. If your kitten becomes ill, please let us know so we can give you advice. We stand behind our kittens and in case of death you must provide proof of a necropsy by a licensed veterinarian that tells the cause of death. If it's deemed genetic, we will replace with another kitten within 12 months as one becomes available. We will choose the replacement and also will decide if a refund would work better. Please make sure all plants that are dangerous have been removed from your home before adding a new cat or kitten.
To start the process of purchasing a kitten, you will need to fill out the information form on the "Contact Us" page, and we will email you an application, which I personally go over. We want to know where the kitten/s are going to reside. If someone will be home for them if they have a playmate, the ages of your children/grandchildren who will co-exist with them. We want to help make the transition from our home to yours as stress-free as possible.
Heartfelt Happy Wishes of a Very Blessed Life With Your New Little One
*** We have discovered a new, wonderful product called NuVet Plus, which are vitamins for your baby.
He or she has been raised on this, and we ask that you continue giving this product daily for their entire life.
We believe in this so much that it is incorporated into our health guarantee. Please take the time to read the Taking Care page here on our website.
For your convenience, you can call toll-free or go to their website to order. If you get on auto-ship, you save more money. Why wouldn't you feed this to your new family member to ensure a longer, much healthier life?
*** We ask that you order Royal Canin and NuVet Plus for your new family member 2 weeks before you are due to pick him/her up.
Important information/disclaimer: We are dedicated to placing our kittens in the very best homes; this has nothing to do with economic standing, race, creed, religion, or sexual preference. It's all about a safe, proper environment and the ability for the family to spend adequate time with the new kitten. A good example of a home we feel is not adequate is where an elderly person resides, and the kitten could cause a fall or get tripped on. Another scenario is where the kitten is left unattended for more than 6 hours repetitively. Kittens need a lot of care and love; we strongly encourage you to purchase two kittens so they will bond forever and never be lonely. It has recently been brought to our attention that there is a condition called "single kitten syndrome," and we can relate as we know each kitten has had a very busy schedule here with all their siblings and multiple adult cats socializing them and when they leave here, they are all very confident and ready to begin their new life. We reserve the right to advocate for each and every kitten of ours to a safe, proper environment and trustworthy owners. If we feel these requirements are not going to be met, we will not allow the kitten to go to that home. We will provide a full refund, and you will owe nothing.
All kittens visit the vet at 8 weeks of age for a complete exam. Kittens also receive their 1st FVRCP kitten shot at 8 weeks of age. Kittens are wormed at 6 and 10 weeks of age.