Pricing Information

Adoption Pricing:

  • Regular Pawed Kitten - $2700.00
  • Regular Color Kitten - $2700.00
  • All Polydactyl - $3000.00
  • All Smoke or Dilute - $3000.00
  • Poly Dilute Smoke - $3200.00
  • Silver Shaded - $4000.00
  • Red Shaded - $4000.00

We also do Echo Cardiograms to ensure there is no HCM (most breeders do NOT do this test). Please do your homework and ask other breeders to show you Pedigrees and proof of testing to protect yourself from getting a kitten who could become ill and die early. Unfortunately, there are breeders who do not test, and you are taking a huge risk of having very large Vet bills down the road.